About this blog

Hi there

My name is Siebe Duthoy, an 18 year Belgian old free runner and I’m keeping a diary, which resulted into this blog. Let me tell you what this blog’s about.

To keep it short, it’s about my trip through Europe. I’ll be leaving Belgium on January 16th, heading East towards Germany, planning to travel South from there until I reach Bulgaria, and then go back North-West from there. I barely have any money to start off with, so any money I do have will be put in food and gas for the car. I won’t take a lot of things with me but my car, my camera, my tent and a warm sleeping bag.

I’m relying this entire journey on Couchsurfing and the parkour community, which is risky but so much more fun! What I think is interesting as well is that I don’t have the slightest idea of when I’ll be where. Freedom at it’s best.

If you want the full explanation of why I’m doing this trip, and what convinced me to finally get out there without anything to hold me back, read my first post: “My story” which dates from November. To keep it short: There’s a lot of power in having nothing to lose.

So that’s what this blog/diary is all about. Please mind that I won’t be blogging on a fix schedule, this blog is all about the journey, the journey isn’t all about the blog. I hope that when you read about my adventures and experiences, that you’ll be inspired to have some of your own! On top of that I think it’ll be interesting for me to read afterwards as well. I hope you enjoy my posts, and if you’d have any questions, feel free to contact me!

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