My story.

My name is Siebe Duthoy, a young, Belgian freerunner with a passion for photography and traveling. I will not introduce who I am, since you will get to know me through my posts.

First of all, what is this blog all about and how did I come to the idea?

Well, the answer to the first question is pretty simple: It’s about my journey through Europe. The next question has a more complicated answer.
This blog, which I tend to see more like a diary, came to existance along with the idea of making this journey. So what drove me to leave everything and everyone I love and dive into the unknown all by myself?

Well, the start of that story goes a while back, where I was still in high school, had nothing to worry about except for what I was eating (I was really minding my health and my body at the time). I was happy, I had great friends, had everything I could long for at home, I was progressing in my sports daily, I was gaining muscle as well as weight, I never studied yet had awesome grades, I was studying to get a degree as a personal trainer which is my dream job, I had a relationship which was getting very serious and I had great plans for the future.
But then, all of the sudden came graduation, I needed a job obviously so I took the first one I could find. I became satisfied with working in the supermarket for minimum wage. That’s when the girl I love the most chose to leave me because she went to college. My world collapsed, I could barely eat or sleep and lost 8kg (!) of muscle in 2 weeks. All the hard work over the year was in vain, and I realised where I stood in life. Which was nowhere near what I always envisioned for myself + I’m broke as f*ck. I got suicidal and a family which has always been close to me took me in to care for me.

Ever since I had no motivation for anything in life. I started drinking every night, going out every day with my squad and I honostly had a good time, though missing her all the time. Now I’m struggling to stay away from the alcohol, though trying hard and with my eyes on succes.

At one point, I knew.

I knew I had to chase one of my dreams, which was to travel the world, see new things, experience new things, meet new people and do everything outside of my comfort zone. It was time for me to be reborn.
Ever since that day I’ve been planning, sending E-mails to hundreds of people, couchsurfers and freerunners all over Europe. I can’t stop thinking about it and am convinced about this life-changing decision.

I’ll be leaving 16th of January 2016. With my car, a tent, a sleeping bag, and barely any money, which I’ll be using for nothing but gas and food. I already have a lot of people willing to host me in their homes and I feel the enthousiasm of many people about my adventure. I want to share my love with everyone I cross on my trip!

This blog? I made it to share my experience with you all. Maybe inspiring you to set out for an adventure yourself, or for you to chill, read my story and maybe even feel like you’re there with me.

ATTENTION! This blog is about my trip, my trip is not about this blog! I will not be able to post every day, and I shall not force myself to write anything if I don’t feel like I should share.

So this was an introduction to what to expect from me. My thoughts, emotions and experiences will be out in the open for you all to read. Please mind that different people have different thoughts and opinions on a lot of things. If you have any questions, whether it is before, during or after the trip, feel free to send me an E-mail.

If you’d be willing to host me, please let me know as well. I’d love you a little more for that! 😉

“Home is behind, the world ahead”

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